When it comes to fruit and vegetables, COLOR REALLY MATTERS! Many of the bright colors in produce come from phytochemicals. Different colors mean different phytochemicals and different phytochemicals mean different nutritional value and benefits. This is why it is so important to eat a WIDE variety of colors of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis.
Mother Nature has generously supplied the plant world with thousands of bioactive chemicals, in turn giving protection to assure health and regeneration of the species. In each edible plant are dozens, if not hundreds, of phytochemicals with health benefits that transfer to us through our diet.
A simple way to grasp what phytochemicals do is to understand why plants have colors in the first place. Colorful chemicals can be described as pigments in two main classes: phenolics and carotenoids.
Phenolic Pigments
Plant colors of blue, purple, black and red belong to the pigment class called phenolics (or polyphenols), which includes several thousand individual chemicals across the plant world.
Although phenolics may be grouped in as many as 11 subclasses, each with hundreds of chemicals, those known best in public media are the flavonoids found in colorful edible plants like berries. A principal flavonoid subgroup that is common in dark berries is the anthocyanins (anthos = flower, cyanin = blue, Greek). Anthocyanins give the brightest colors to plants, including the blue of blueberries, black of blackberries, red of cherries or rose petals, and purple of prunes and eggplant.
Pigments provide two general functions to plants. Via their scent, flavor, and color, pigments serve to attract pollinators and assure continuation of the species. Secondly, they act as a defensive shell of acidic protectors guarding against bacteria, viruses, fungi and other pests. This category includes
antioxidant roles necessary to neutralize the effects of constant exposure to the sun, ultraviolet radiation and production of free radicals during photosynthesis.
Following digestion from eating pigmented foods like berries, phenolics distribute throughout the body's water compartments. This includes the inside of cells where oxidative reactions are occurring second by second throughout life. Phenolics (and carotenoids below) are the antioxidants that neutralize oxidation reactions from free radicals that can damage cell structures and contribute to disease and
Simply stated, humans can increase their defenses against disease by eating colorful plants. Preliminary evidence for this benefit comes from a host of research studies on animals and in limited human clinical trials. Theses studies show positive results by phenolics against:
Thrombosis (blood clots)
Phenolics appearing in public media over recent years include:
Proanthocyanidins (anti-cancer effect from grape seeds)
Resveratrol (protective effect against cardiovascular disease from red grapes and dark wines)
Anthocyanins (protection against brain damage following stroke from blueberries)
Chlorogenic acid (reduction of high blood pressure from strawberries)
Ferulic acid (cancer prevention from black raspberries)
In plants that are red, orange, yellow or green are a smaller
family of pigments called the carotenoids. These are the pigments associated with the vivid colors of corn, carrots, pumpkins, tomatoes and spinach. Even though green plants have a predominance of chlorophyll a green pigment carotenoids are ever present (though masked by chlorophyll). An example of this effect occurs in spinach. Even though it is a dark green vegetable, spinach contains high levels of a yellow carotenoid called lutein.
Other carotenoids now seen in consumer products like vitamins and supplements include:
Zeaxanthin (zee-a-zan-thin)
Carotenoids have two characteristics of particular health value to us. First, they tend to dissolve best in lipids and so are concentrated in fatty parts of human cells (like membranes, nuclear envelopes and the sheaths of nerves close to critical functions of these cell components). Second, carotenoids typically have numerous double-bonds between carbon atoms, a highly effective source of electrons needed in antioxidation processes.
Simply for the above reason, carotenoids are thought to be more powerful dietary antioxidants than phenolics. With carotenoids in cell lipids and phenolics in cell water, phytochemicals from a diet of colorful plants act in concert to protect our organs from potential damage by radical oxygen and nitrogen species.
In ongoing basic research on animals, carotenoids have been linked to broad health benefits including:
Eye diseases
Cardiovascular diseases
Viral infections
Summary of health benefits: Enrich your dietary content of phenolics and carotenoids by eating a variety of the most brightly colored vegetables and fruits!
Do you have picky eaters in your home that may not be getting as many phytochemicals as they should? Try changing up common items like the potatoe to purple potatoes. A lot of grocery stores sell them as small fingerling potatoes in bags near the red new potatoes. Check your grocery store too see if maybe you have over looked them. These potatoes are not sweet and substitute quite well for mashed potatoes, french fries, baked potatoes, etc.